
Having the yolk unevenly distriButed throughout the egg.

Discard the yolk or a portion of it if you're trying to lower your fat intake, as the yolk is almost 100% lipid.

It landed on a pile of firewood where the yellow yolk burst into flames.

But there are others: Northern-Chinese-style mooncakes are round in shape and contain no egg yolk.

I could have brought the groceries home and washed off the egg yolk, but, instead, I'd just left them there.

Salmonella tends to pool in the membrane around an egg's yolk, Keener added. So if you have a sunny-side-up habit, you should probably give it up.

I roughed up the egg yolk and cream and mixed in some of the hot sauce before putting the lot back into the pan.

The research report pointed that such a protein accelerated the growth of the eggshell and the shell played a crucial role in the protection of the frangible yolk and liquid.


The egg has a double yolk.

Separate one egg, and pour an ounce of olive oil over the yolk. Mix.

Salmonella tends to pool in the membrane around an egg's yolk, Keener added.

Slowly pour into ginger egg yolk batter in 3 portions. Gently mix well to make souffle batter.

The US, Canada and Spain refuse to import mooncakes stuffed with egg yolk, while Australia is regulating that mooncake imports should not contain meat.

Therefore, examinees need to pay attention and select food products that contains high level of calcium such as milk, yogurt, dried small shrimps and egg yolk, which has stabilizing effects.

Australian tenderloin, capers, shallots, raw egg yolk, truffle mayonnaise.

It was much too easy, but I knew if I let the sauce boil the yolk was gonna scramble.

Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face.

Stir in molasses and egg yolk.

The most nutritious part of an egg is the egg yolk.

Varieties include almond cookies with whole walnuts, with egg yolk, even with shredded pork jerky. And speaking of jerky, the store was handing out free samples of that too.

Add the egg yolk and the almond oil and mix well.

In the sauce realm, the cream and egg-yolk sauce for a blanquett of veal is the same type as that for a sole in white-wine sauce, or for a gratin of scallops.

Thetraditional prairie oyster (raw egg, yolk unbroken, plus tomato juice,Worcestershire sauce and salt) was created as a hangover cure.

A large egg yolk contains approximately 60 Calories (250 kilojoules).

Because the percentage of fat is contained within the egg yolk you can easily eliminate the yolk from any eggs you are preparing if you're watching your waistline or cholesterol.