
His passion for reading never deserted him.

None of her friends had deserted her.

He was not surprised to find the huge metropolis totally deserted.

It was deserted except for a lone boy seated crosswise on a swing.

Sensing he has been left unattended, he takes off his bandages to find the hospital is deserted.

One really gruesome way of punishing a pirate was to maroon them on a deserted island without food or water and be left to die a slow death.

Europe remained a scene of travel chaos, with deserted airports and grounded planes; stranded travelers stormed ports and bus and train stations.

For once his good manners had deserted him. He neither took off his hat nor spoke to the others in the room. He had eyes for no one but Melanie and he spoke abruptly without greeting.

Caught cheating at cards, he ran off to join the army, and then deserted—but not before he connected with the Green Gang, the notorious gangsters who controlled the Shanghai underworld.

She deserted the stage for army.

All the streets were deserted, all the doors were open.

Bauby, who died two days after his book was published, was French, and his ironic humour never deserted him.

Very soon after he was born, his father deserted the family, then a year later, his mother died.

Ominously for him, none of his military Allies who'd once nurtured him as a protege were here either. Eurico Guterres had been deserted.

Once angered, she could enlist the help of her father who might hire a man or twoit didn't need many-to do away with Xiangzi in some quiet, deserted spot.

Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices.

It's a deserted monastery, down in the valley. Amongst the fir trees.

It was just after daybreak, and we drove slowly past People's Armed Police soldiers at each intersection along the deserted main road with sticks and riot helmets.

In some of the grainy pictures, scrubby and deserted patches of creosote and mesquite sway in a gentle wind; in others, herons peck at fish in the shallow trickle of the Rio Grande.

We trudged the deserted road for a long time.

In some of the grainy pictures, scrubby and deserted patches of creosote and mesquite sway in a gentle wind;

The garden was deserted.

We came across a small lake to one side of which was this deserted and ramshackle village.


He deserted from his regiment.

Last night Mr Kingdom told of the moment he feared his party was in the stalker's line of fire, and how he was confronted by a man in a sinister exchange on a deserted country lane.

He saw vaguely the ship he have deserted uprising before him.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but don't run in isolated areas, deserted streets, or overgrown trails. Never run by yourself at night.