
Unlike those who inspired me, I am a practitioner.

More advanced methods of pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) need to be practiced with an experienced practitioner.

This is an entertaining book, enriched by the insights of an experienced practitioner.

The Scoop: in the Wild West, a scarred bounty hunter tracks a voodoo practitioner who plans to on liberate the South by raising an army of the undead.

After the practitioner chooses one of the HL7 CDA XML documents, the client queries the database for the particular XML document selected (4).

The discussion in this section should be helpful in two ways: first, it's important to understand that using metadata isn't always your first or only choice as an AOP practitioner.

He is a famous practitioner of folk medicine.

The practitioner benefits in each area of process: authoring, access, and guidance.

From "AB systems" to "Zipper artefact" - even for the experienced practitioner in MRI, the plethora of technical terms and acronyms can be daunting and bewildering.

If the practitioner enters a message containing the pattern, the client is triggered to query the database for HL7 CDA XML documents for the particular patient (3 in Figure 3).

Package structure reflects high functional cohesion, loose coupling, and strong individual practitioner ownership.

He has a very respected record as an academic, but also as a practitioner in development economics.

He is an unqualified practitioner of law.

In other words, there's no need to call your practitioner or frantically pack your bags just yet.


I started my blog as a practitioner at Hitachi.

Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again.

A batch of moneybags will appear again in practitioner of domestic network game.

To understand the Process Advisor and its unique value to the practitioner, we'll begin by describing what the Process Advisor actually is.