
The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop.

Many games are entirely benign, and possibly even a boon.

However, sometimes a seemingly benign introduction creates environmental travesty and ecosystem despair.

We need to better understand how nano can be benign in foods, but [also] where the dangers are.

When he had some benign polyps removed from his colon, he volunteered the details in a press release.

Like Category 1, this is a "normal" assessment, but here, the interpreter chooses to describe a benign finding in the mammography report.

At it's most benign, there's no more than an apathy and weariness that makes it difficult to go about life's daily business; and at its worst, a feeling of meaningless, of futility, of pain.


My mother's character is very benign.

The action risks aggravating tensions over currency levels, but it could have a more benign effect.

Objective To study the effects of isoniazid on the prevention of benign stricture of the esophagus.

In the movies, which exist partly to smooth over the rough patches in our collective life, the same basic picture takes on a more benign coloration.

As for violence, the death tallies notched up by Brazil's thuggish police force can make paramilitary groups elsewhere look almost benign.

Will the new, regulated world be as benign?

THE informal economy is one of the more benign manifestations of lawlessness in Mexico.

Driven by the power of its citizens, Egypt's upheaval could lead to a transformation as benign as those in eastern Europe.

The effects were almost entirely benign.

The radiologist looks for evidence of cancer or noncancerous (benign) conditions that may require further testing, follow-up or treatment.

And Washington has adopted a policy of benign neglect towards the currency, despite the strong-dollar rhetoric, in the hope that cheaper exports will make up for the squeeze on consumer spending.

Objective To improve the level of preoperative diagnosis and differentiated diagnosis of renal benign tumor, that is angiomyolipoma(AML).

Outlined -- although the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade.

After that, he expected a benign dictatorship to rule the world and foster scientific thinking, and eliminate all religion, until a global utopia was established.

After tests the tumor was found to be benign.