
Compared with the patrician Wallenbergs, Mr Ekholm cuts a bolder, more hands-on figure.

Julius Caesar was from one of these aristocratic, patrician families, although his family didn't have a lot of money, they weren't really, really wealthy.

His handsome patrician face was weathered from his professional field trips by oxcart and mule, with fine lines at the corners of his blue-grey eyes, which reflected humor and alertness.

Though he had patrician self-confidence, there was no snobbery in Roosevelt.

His long patrician face, which might have been handsome at one point, was unfortunately barred from a scar, which lifted slightly the left corner of his upper lip.

His patrician version of social Gaullism, with an emphasis on fiscal prudence, seems less threatening than Mr Sarkozy's eclectic politics.


Like her older brother, Peter, she had gray eyes and a slender, patrician elegance.

Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.

Its leader, Fausto Bertinotti, is a strikingly patrician figure (a habitual feature of Italian proletarianism).