
So they can never be unlimited.

If the firewall fails, only the ECB's unlimited fount of liquidity can quench the flames.

The weekly demand for trains is unlimited, while, at most, 40 soldiers will be sold.

But if you have a humble eagerness to learn something from everybody, your learning opportunities will be unlimited.

All the article features besides the latitude and longitude are expressed as subnodes so that they can be of unlimited size.

But that was then, and this is the era of longevity, vitality, wellness, endless possibilities, unlimited expectations and constant, dynamic change.

"Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom," Jonathan would say in the evenings on the beach, "and precision flying is a step toward expressing our real nature."


You get unlimited storage in all plans.

Now, 'anyone can summon an unlimited amount of food just with a cellphone.'

water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious.

Her research in Switzerland and France found that even when people are given unlimited cheap or free calls, the number and length of calls does not increase significantly.

The latter include subscription services that, for a flat monthly fee of $5 to $10, give consumers unlimited access to an online library of songs that they can play but cannot keep.

Thus, Requisite Agility, not unlimited Agility, should be the goal.

The amusement park is daring customers to eat a live Madagascar hissing cockroach in exchange for unlimited line-jumping privileges.

Find out what's up with Jack, the world's most personable virtual bartender and get unlimited access to his world-class drink recipes and ideas for entertaining.

What is unlimited growth?

Perhaps the storage locker, which provides unlimited cloud storage to users for $25 per year, is the sticking point here.

The potential for these is more or less unlimited, although analysts put the costs as high as $70 a barrel—more than the oil price this time last year.

This is an unlimited user or connection license and is usually the optimal choice when the user or session load cannot be controlled or counted.

I ask you to now feel this grand and unlimited consciousness that you are part of.

The MiFi’s portability has always made it an exceptionally flexible and useful little gadget — and Virgin’s prepaid model, unlimited data plan and dirt-cheap pricing just multiply that flexibility.

You gain truly infinite flexibility: one book can have an unlimited number of authors, and one author can have an unlimited number of books.