
This is an essential part of the critique of structuralism.

His book is a critique bordering on an assault on mathematical - or quantitative - finance.

You get the behavior you critique for, so set your standards and then require conformance to them.

Earlier this year, a newspaper editor made the mistake of printing a blunt critique of puritan religious beliefs, and was summarily fired.

If you don’t ask for it upfront, it is likely to be forced upon you later, often in the form of a critique of your proposed solutions.

This novel — as you will soon see, Onnie Jay Holy once you get to the parts where Onnie Jay Holy begins to preach — this novel is very much a critique of sentimentality.

The critique is not new.

If that's the case, gently force the boss to critique your work and ask you questions.

No longer do the partial moments serve as a critique of the whole as they sometimes do in Modernism.

Firstly, we realized asking someone to critique a stranger's work is especially difficult if the user thinks the stranger who designed it is sitting right next to them.

Smile and respond gently but firmly: address it as an uninformed critique, ignoring the personal attack entirely, and offer something along the lines of 'I just have a vivid imagination.

The critique: "He's confident in his pruning, " says Federoff.

The conservative critique of Mr Obama is that he is Jimmy Carter redux: a woolly idealist who thinks he can sweet-talk bad guys into behaving.

In a sharply worded critique of the rising popularity of pain-free Labour, Walsh warns that normal birth is in danger of being "effectively anaesthetised by the epidural epidemic" in the NHS.

Levi-Strauss' famous book, The Raw and the Cooked, essentially stages this critique in and of itself.

I am keeping my critique, because the site did feature the bad design for more than a year - and in any case you can still learn from their mistake, even after they [partly] fixed it.

This Note's goal is not to critique existing secrecy law systematically, nor to propose a feasible replacement system.


Willingly accept information and constructive critique.

This second part can be done in many ways: you can critique the material, apply it to something else, or even just explain it in a different way.

These treatments also involve us buying into a culture that invites us constantly to critique how we look, what we'd like to change, and then holds our happiness just beyond arm's reach.