
They drag you to a windowless room, sometimes handcuff you to a chair.

Yang stopped outside one, produced a small key and unlocked the door to his tiny, windowless room.

They walked into a windowless room with shabby carpets fluorescent lights and three rows of metal folding chairs.

He sits on a chair in a windowless laboratory and cradles a large rock, or core, of jet-black flint in his left hand.

“So now we give just the objective facts,” Díaz says as he sits facing me in a stuffy, windowless rear room of the radio station, in Nuevo Casas Grandes’s central business district.


On the upper floor, skylights brighten a windowless hallway that leads to the bedrooms.

Their entrees arrived, and they ate together in silence in the windowless, paneled room, glancing around at the other diners.

Fleming called again a few minutes later to say that she was stuck in the windowless studio, with water rising rapidly.

Keep in mind that the lighting requirements in a kitchen are very different from those in a bedroom, and give some thought to the needs of a gloomy corner, dark wall or windowless space.

Finally, the apartment also had a windowless toilet. When the toilet smelled so did the hall.

Meanwhile, a few hundred miles south, on the Banks of the Columbia River, a mysterious outfit known only as "Design, LLC," quietly constructed two massive windowless warehouses.

All you really need to house such schoolchild-friendly exhibits is a big windowless black box.

It was a windowless erection used for storage, and from the open door there floated into the obscurity a mist of yellow radiance, which at first Tess thought to be illuminated smoke.

A windowless structure, it is studded with rows of dozens of gleaming access chutes. Tapes of alluring music tempt the flighty gadabouts to make themselves at home.

Finally, the apartment also had a windowless toilet.

Are placed within a windowless-mode (where HTML embed parameter wmode is not set to "window") SWF file?