
For this sample, the simplest deployment policy is defined: one partition and no replica.

The other 51 replica shards are also moved to the second container so that you have balance, and, for each shard, its primary and replica are in separate containers.

Actually it was a flight simulator - an exact replica of the real Boeing 737, placed in a separate airplane shed.

Zones help the catalog service determine placement of data grids such that primary and replica data grids are placed in different zones.

It is a beautiful bronze replica of the courthouse clock tower in Monroeville, about the size of a mailbox and about the weight of a sack of fertiliser.

It is advisable to execute this change during announced system downtime, unless you have the replica server running to take care of the unavailability of the server being upgraded.

The status of the agent is enabled on the local replica; the server is set to the home mail server and this information is replicated to the server where the agent operates.

ron demanded a 90 percent scale, 5-story replica of the liner.

For the primary shards, the surviving replica shard is promoted to a primary shard, and new replica shards are created on the other server by copying data from the newly promoted primary.

Early in the morning, after all but one engineer had gone home, the engineer finally reproduced a system reset on the replica.

The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.

The local replica users put less load on the server.

It also insures that the information is up-to-date for all users of the server replica.

Groom then had the replica repainted for a newer look, closer to how it probably appeared in 1978 "when Harvey used it," the designer said.

You might decide to keep a full replica of your production system so you can perform your final verification tests before you make any changes to the production system.

You can also archive from one replica and retrieve to another one, as long as they are server replicas.

Prior to explaining the local replica model and the technical details behind establishing the environment within your infrastructure, let's look at an example of the applicability of the model.

Unlike the original, however, the replica wasn't built to fly, though it did soar, after a fashion.

You set up a replica of the LDAP server to respond as a backup server.

The data documents and their attachments from the original database are now replicated with the virtual replica database, placing all that data into the RDBMS.


All other servers that have a replica are "secondary" servers.