
Tom seems quite unconcerned about his own future.

In their matching white coats they appear as blank and unconcerned as three sheets of paper.

Although no big environmental group is unconcerned with global warming, they view the threat in different ways.

If water is mainly a problem for people in the country, it does not mean that city-dwellers are unconcerned about their surroundings.

The report said that readers are more likely to read the most recent posts, unconcerned about age, and that they were not bothered when they couldn't read every post.


He seems unconcerned, But nothing escapes his attention.

If you're unconcerned about the quality of your data, you needn't concern yourself with transactions.

For example, the business caller of the above method is unconcerned with the method's other characteristics, but is still subjected to the other concerns.

Most economists would agree with what my friend at the meeting had said; but he seemed either oblivious (not likely) or simply unconcerned (more likely) with the flip side of what he had just uttered.

I simply had been too offhand about it, lazy, too unconcerned.

It's sometimes wrongly imagined that astronomers, contemplating timespans measured in billions, must be serenely unconcerned about next year, next week and tomorrow.

Nike, another major outlet for basketball kit, seem equally unconcerned about knock-offs.

But the Taliban seem unconcerned about their own losses. They have recently readopted the tactic of massing several score of their fighters in ambushes, knowing that most will be killed.

Not inventing new markets, not innovative features, not even improving on existing features like sound quality or battery life — just a better design, unconcerned about “disrupting” anything else.

I felt entirely free and unconcerned.

If Adams seems unconcerned with appearing old-fashioned, Stephen Shore is, for want of a better word, a modernist.