
In between the stairways, the Levytator levels out as a moving walkway.

We rode along the broad Tayelet boardwalk, the sound of our tires startling the pigeons off the walkway.

Its sweeping spiral walkway evocative of New York’s Guggenheim museum, leads the patient efficiently around various stations, so waiting is minimised.

Resembling an aircraft hangar, this section can be viewed from a walkway a few meters above the 6, 000-plus figures.

The original connection between the two was via an open courtyard, which SHH have now partly built over to form a covered walkway between the two for all-weather access.


They finish and Samuel scatters salt along the drive and walkway.

Instead of three adjacent walkways moving at different speeds, the new walkway changed speed along its length.

The bowed arches of the single-span design are dramatically thin where they connect with the walkway, but they flare out as they approach the ground.

And this part was a little Shared piece of ground, only about as big as this table and that. The next-door neighbor tried to make a little walkway out of it, to our coal shed.

Outside our room was an open walkway, beyond that the Taiyong River.

Before going into the room, I placed a small but conspicuous piece of garbage in the walkway people would use when exiting the room.

Much of the waterfront is open to visitors, including a long walkway along the bay.

The only life was taking place inside the train as passengers constantly changed seats and squeezed up and down its crammed, narrow walkway to chat to friends and strangers.

I dutifully visit the buildings' "skybridge", the mid-air walkway connecting the two, and wander through immaculately landscaped parks and air-conditioned shopping malls.

The walkway is buried in two feet of snow.

We ascend to the raised walkway under the eaves, and wooden doors are slid open to reveal a bare room.