
Winsett himself had a savage abhorrence of social observances.

The niyamas (observances) are purity, contentment, mortification, study and devotion to God.

But as Christianity became more widespread, the early church began having its own religious observances concurrently with many of the pagan celebrations, and New Year's day was no different.

Holier than these days is the Sabbath, which is demarcated by even further rules and observances.

Status Offline Yet each year brings disputes over holiday observances that some may see as too religious for public schools or other public places.

This neglect of religious observances was repugnant to her early traditions.


Selden had passed beyond all such conventional observances.

Kids' carnivals, health and wellness fairs, mural painting, parades, ecumenical religious services and cultural events will be part of the observances in Philadelphia.

Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.