
Promote quality assurance and improvement of the internal audit activity.

This environment may be used by quality assurance testers as part of your release cycle.

As a matter of fact, Charles Babbage, over one hundred years ago, felt that "assurance" was a better term.

Self respect means we have an inner confidence and inner assurance, but this is not a confidence built on superiority.

On the other hand, perhaps a lot of so-called Christians do not have the assurance of salvation because they are not really saved.

There is but one answer. Pray until the thing you pray for has actually been granted, or until you have the assurance in your heart that it will be.

Look for the Fair Trade Certified Organic label on the coffee package or can; it will give you some assurance that chemicals and pesticides were not used on the plants.

Test and quality assurance.

FORESTER Metal Public Toilet Partition has 10 years of quality assurance, can be 100% recycled.

His strong academic grounding gives Mr Weber an assurance that others on the ECB's governing council may lack.

The level of assurance that a schema can provide to an application depends on how well the schema translates application requirements into requirements on XML messages.

Elasticity at the JVM level provides you with flexibility and a reasonable assurance that the system is doing what it can to meet the policies you defined for your application.

"At Lam Soon, our assurance to guarantee the best quality is by investing in technology. Our plants in Hong Kong and China are installed with the most advanced equipment and facilities, and we recruit overseas professionals to provide technical consultancy to these installations."

The very insecurity that engenders the suspicion discounts the value of the assurance.

Working at the application architecture level requires you to shift your thinking from the concrete work of coding, quality assurance, and hardware to more abstract levels.

Migrating those applications to GAE might be costly, because you not only need to identify the issues and create workarounds, but also do quality assurance for the entire application all over again.

Create consensus lists of issues and guidance for cloud security assurance.

In fact, most of the CC is a list of possible assurance and functional requirements that you can pick and choose from for a given program.


Where is the assurance of treatment adherence?

The threaded, synchronized systems present significant challenges not only in the design and implementation, but also in all stages of quality assurance.

The engineering support services will include logistics integration, configuration management, test and evaluation, quality assurance and installation maintenance.

But I also liked her wet, soapy body; I liked to let her soap me and I liked to soap her, and she taught me not do it bashfully, but with assurance and possessive thoroughness.

It gives you further assurance that this is something they have thought about and want.