
How do we resolve this apparent incongruity?

However that is not apparent yet.

A primary disease arises spontaneously with no apparent external symptoms.

Another area of controversy focuses on apparent contradictions among the Gospels.

Some participants made no move to intervene in the apparent emergency.

And the extraordinary thing is that, despite his apparent misdemeanours, many are sympathising not with Segolene, But with Hollande.

How Australia's region will respond to its apparent preoccupation with China as a possible future adversary is another.

The law is after the prosecution, but the damage has been done, causation is prevention, can destroy evils before they become apparent.

A higher position, more wealth, and greater calamity is more apparent than the passing of life, the vicissitudes of life, the sight of youth and the interlacing of life and death.

Anybody who has tried to get a decision out of a Japanese corporation knows what that process looks like, with vast, evaluative silences stretching between apparent agreements that actually mean no.

The continuity is readily apparent.

And his practice is apparent irregularity.

The disparity cannot be explained by any apparent biological factors.

To understand this tale, we have to start with an apparent mystery.

Deferring to historical custom, astronomers, measure the apparent brightness of stars through the magnitude scale, a very confusing way.

Quite a few G8 nations seem rather dissatisfied with the Bush administration's apparent support of Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's Mideast policy.

Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.

The apparent drop in choline levels was much greater than could be accounted for by a relative lack of food, so Dr Nicholson suspects that the restricted diet was also causing the composition of the dogs' gut flora to change in a way that did not favour choline-munching bugs.

Six reports end with a detainee's apparent death.

Members of the small Yazidi sect which live in the area were the apparent targets.

Sheikh Hasina, the apparent target of that attack and Nemesis of Mrs Zia, is now prime minister.

Another puzzling trend is how pets in certain states appear to suffer more from particular diseases and conditions that have no apparent link to location.


rated apparent power on line side

This energy uncertainty in turn appears as a variability in the apparent mass of the particle.

The advantages are quickly apparent - no beds to make, no breakfast to prepare, no bathrooms to clean and no bedding to launder.

But unlike vision or hearing loss, which is often apparent to others, if not to the afflicted person, a loss of smell sensitivity with age is often undetected because it occurs gradually.

With regard to the persuasion achieved by proof or apparent proof: just as in dialectic there is induction on the one hand and syllogism or apparent syllogism on the other, so it is in rhetoric.

Excessive exposure can cause trauma that's not always apparent, and some amount of medical support, like an iv drip of electrolyte solution, can keep the body from incurring any long-term damage.

There is no anxiety. Incongruence is not apparent, although the theory suggests it would be substantial indeed.

Determination of apparent density of aluminium powder --Funnel method

The limitations of this scheme became quite apparent with the introduction of detectors such as the plumbicon, image orthicon and vidicon.

Their apparent friendliness is completely synthetic.