
In Paris Abbott studied sculpture, but she ultimately found it unsatisfying.

When I was in my 20s, I had boyfriends, but overall my love life was somewhat unsatisfying.

And who has not seen individuals continue a highly unsatisfying relationship precisely because they crave a life witness?

You are able to let go of a miserable or unsatisfying reality and allow Light to enter and transform your creation.

That's what the present is. It's a little unsatisfying because life is unsatisfying. 这就是你的现状,你对它不满意,那是因为人生本来就不是令人满意的。

Rose says so far the marriage has been unsatisfying.

"The law, " that is, the naturallaw, was Quesnay's accurate but no doubt unsatisfying reply.

Even though a nightcap may help you relax and fall asleep faster, it'll make the second half of your sleep cycle restless and unsatisfying.

However, in judicial practices, the effect of entrusting enforcement is quite unsatisfying and the proportion of successful enforcement is very low.


When his answers proved unsatisfying, they began their march to Chengdu.

If you don't go to persuade him, he is inclined to selling the goods at a unsatisfying price.

In any case, what you currently hold to be true about the nature of trading will argue to keep things just the way they are, in spite of your frustrations and unsatisfying results.

As more and more people begin to learn English and use English, an unsatisfying problem appears, that is Chinglish.

An unsatisfying implication of the literature on the saving glut is that it paints America as a tragic victim of forces beyond its control (though some of the authors insist this is not their belief).

Many people think they know the right way to go about picking an occupation, but they often wind up choosing a career that is unsatisfying.

I find this to be a pretty unsatisfying way of looking at the issue.

Yet at the same time in much of the world unemployment is persistently high and many of the jobs on offer are badly paid, onerous and unsatisfying.