
A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.

Overseas, the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother.

But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.

The report said that to preclude misunderstanding, "the teachers hadbetter not even accept a carnation from their students."

Any of various plants of the genus dianthus such as the carnation and sweet William often cultivated for their showy fragrant flowers.

He was wearing a carnation in his buttonhole.

Then, sometime between 1.3 million and 2 million years ago, carnation speciation exploded.

I hope that in my shop, there are all kinds of different beautiful flowers such as rose, lily, tulip, violet, carnation, narcissus, lilac, orchid and so on.


I gave my mom a carnation.

Today we made lovely mother's day CARDS and gave them to our mothers with a beautiful carnation.

Mother's day, ErNvQing, carnation, nepenthes!

Teachers' day, and sent to the teacher's lily flower optional gladiolus flower carnation sunflower chrysanthemum all over the sky star.

Sending a pink or red carnation is always the best choice to their mom.

The carnation pink bridesmaid dress. By choosing the Calvin Klein strapless paintbrush Evening Dresses, it will guarantee a fun ambiance on your wedding day.

Miss Anna Jarvis's mother's favorite flower was the white carnation.