
To some people, this looks like an overdue invitation.

The severe doubts lingering over it, even though overdue, should be turned into a meaningful learning process toward rational debate.

If a long-overdue party congress is held this year, that may be another harbinger of reform.

Now retrieve the amount overdue from the account 12345, and rollback the transaction after doing so again, as shown in Listing 10.

That would be enough to gas up his two tow trucks, get some new taxidermy stuffing and clean up that overdue account at the Number 10 Saloon and Casino over in Deadwood, s.d..

Converting them into simpler percentage rates is an overdue reform.

Catchers' mitts, ballet slippers, overdue library books and other signs of extra-familial concerns are everywhere.

The list can be filtered to show only tasks that are high priority, overdue, or due today.

One of the interfaces that Bank B provides its application developers is a means to query by how much a given account is overdue.


On Monday, he made an overdue start on that.

The maps are to be attached to a long-overdue presidential decree meant to formalise the moratorium.

Europeans ought to be seeking to strengthen the rules of their single market rather than pushing to dilute them; a long-overdue single European patent process would be a good start.

Freddie said 2.4% of all single-family mortgages it owns or guarantees are 90 days or more overdue.

Patrons with overdue books and hefty outstanding fines were recently given a way to clear their records: Donate canned goods or other groceries through the library to local shelters and food pantries.

The fall in the pound may have been disconcertingly large but it marks an overdue adjustment after a longperiod in which sterling was overpriced.

Is there a new arms race-or just overdue retooling of armies?

In Orange County nearly 7% of mortgages are at least three months overdue but not yet foreclosed, up from around 5% at the start of the year.