
The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.

The wedding has shifted from a rite of passage to a vehicle for self-expression.

Not only has the epicenter of the quake shifted, But, so far, the tremors have shaken markets differently.

Simply left-click and drag a lifeline left or right, and other lifelines on the diagram will be shifted out of the way.

Most significantly, it accepted Catalonia's status as a "nation" in its own right, though it shifted this provision from the main statute to the preface.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched and wrinkled up and his beady eyes shifted from side to side-he seemed to be making up his mind at last.

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

They shifted several thousand troops from the north-west to the eastern border.

The projects shifted to rail transport thousands of passengers per day who otherwise would have required more buses.

The war and the killing assume a different form: they have been shifted from the daylight of observable public events, to the twilight of unobservable inner destruction.

A later study found that the men were picking up on whole suite of nonverbal cues, including the length of their stride, how they shifted their weight, and how high they lifted their feet.

It must have shifted enormously in this direction.

Mr Sarkozy, who has shifted French diplomacy towards a less Arabist and more pro-Israeli position, has been characteristically busy in the Middle East recently.

The mood of the Team shifted; motivation seemed to go down, and Team members seemed to be reverting to their previous role, what they used to sarcastically call "servants-of-Francis-the-Great".

Yet, attention has shifted from the crisis to the elixir of liquidity.

But by then, the focus for military and space batteries had shifted to lithium-ion models in the United States and the impetus for a sodium sulfur battery vanished in this country.

From the realm of literature the focus has shifted to fashion.


I also shifted from science to economics.

Firms did not realise when they shifted operations to low-wage countries that some moves “would be almost irreversible”, says Mr Pisano.

And the global strategy of the United States, after its defeat in Southeast Asia, has shifted to the defensive -- the United States isn't ready to fight a world war yet either.