
Student: inaudible Prof. : I actually sympathize with you having left that out.

This will clear any residual notes that are still processing, even if they have faded to an inaudible volume level.

At what inaudible summons, at what gentle touch of Nature, are all these sleepers thus recalled in the same hour to life?


Student: inaudible Prof: This may not be true.

There was a hotel room rendezvous with Antasari, an inaudible taped conversatio n of the pair, but little else of real substance.

Student: inaudible Prof. : Not quite.

Student: inaudible Prof. : Logic Student: Continuity Prof. : Continuity, yes, can anyone put it in the way I put it last week?

Student: inaudible Prof.: good yep, an argument can be valid but not true.

I'm even guilty of using this occasionally myself. And yet, it is one of those terms that often makes people cock their head like a dog that heard a human-inaudible screech.

Q My name is (inaudible) and I am a student from Fudan University.