
And some Japanese who saw the preview were pleasantly surprised.

This allows a user to run a report with all data, preview with limited data, or preview with no data.

Dojox is an incubator of sorts and could be considered a preview of new features.

I and my staff have carefully reviewed the preview document that will be presented and discussed during this session.

A preview of Genesis is already available, in which instead of creating Adam and Eve, God creates Aida and Eve.

You can preview pages open in a TAB as well or resize pages within tabs, which lets you see multiple pages in one window.



Please preview the text before next class.

Part of my job is to preview the menu for a dinnerparty tonight.

Hover the mouse over any individual video to see an instant thumbnail preview.

The treaty secretariat’s January preview of the reckoning provided only broad trends with arrows and pie charts to indicate whether various goals had been met.

The solution is often to shoot a few clicks smaller than the lenses widest aperture, then use the preview screen and zoom button on your camera to make sure everyone is looking good.

Web applications are included in the technical preview milestone but not part of the technical preview program.

It's required for every high school students to preview the lessons before class.

As you highlight each of the chats in the list, a preview of the chat is displayed in that window (see figure 5).

Please do the preview and review work.

Also helpful to me was a discussion of the depth of field preview button, something I had long ignored.

If it is not a static class, you first need to declare the name of the field that will hold the reference to the parent class of the nested class before you get to the preview box.

If the nested class is a static class, a box showing a preview of the refactoring displays right away.

It also provides a preview of the next release to interested customers.

In a nutshell, though, this grabs all the img elements in a particular div, named "images", and then finds all those images in the "preview" CSS class.

I can paginate, preview and print my work.