
In California the shortage of bees has been replaced by a glut.

A glut of supply will also weigh on prices, thanks to a wave of repossessions.

But Hollywood executives fear the glut created by the recent spate of overproduction is going to be felt for at least a couple more years.

The danger is that the vast 'savings glut' will fuel another bubble, as many analysts believe it did with the U.S. housing market.

Most of us who are actively involved in science today do not worry about a hypothetical paper glut, for the simple reason that we store scientific documents electronically, not on paper.

But what of our natural gas glut?

Why do you persecute me as God, and glut yourselves with my flesh?

As so often happens with such regimes, their excessive generosity has led to a glut of output, and their cost has risen, leading governments to cut rates.

Revamping outdated notions of femininity and positioning them as cutting edge may be a smart way to sell a glut of baggy bathing suits, but it sure doesn’t sound like a revolution.


And the saving glut is still out there.

A glut of empty houses and flats will restrain rents, a big chunk of the consumer-price index.

The pulp fiction style sold millions of books and remained popular for several decades before finally petering out from a glut of material and the changing tastes of readers.

Under normal conditions, that small glut would quickly have disappeared in a bust on the present scale.

But Chinese firms have emerged as the biggest solar-panel producers in the world-almost all of it exported-just as the industry faces a massive supply glut that is forcing firms to close.

It is too plentiful for small economies to spend, and has therefore added to the glut of global saving that is in part responsible for the financial excesses of recent years.

Still, much of the global saving glut did end up in America.

Initially, police said the motive for the glut of attacks on Indians was robbery: students going home from night jobs carrying money and mobile phones were "soft" targets.