
The solution is then treated to precipitate uranium oxide.

The power of the superstores ensures that others must be blamed for the disasters they precipitate.

Mr Grundfest is not alone in speculating that the downturn will precipitate a shake-out among medium-sized firms.

If the generaltendency is for buying to beget more buying and selling to precipitate moreselling, investors must fight the tendency to capitulate to market forces.

Mr Obama hopes to buy time by dissuading Russia from delivering a missile-defence system that Iran has ordered and whose deployment could precipitate an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites.


Clouds usually precipitate as rain and snow.

Blender high abrasion, big leaf stirring, not precipitate segregation of concrete, is conducive to suction.

Yet I did not consider volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or financial bubbles, simply because none of those seemed likely to precipitate catastrophes.

"domino theory or domino effect,Doctrine of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, according to which the fall of a noncommunist state to communism would precipitate the fall of other neighbouring noncommunist states. "

Such lending helped precipitate the financial crisis by pushing down America's long-term interest rates.

There are several ways to produce gold particles, but most involve dissolving chloroauric acid, also called gold salts, in liquid and adding chemicals to precipitate gold atoms.

Worse, the treaty could precipitate a new financial crisis.

A precipitate withdrawal might make that true, but Mr Cheney deserves his share of the blame for the state of Iraq today.

German officials have predicted that Greece will default, which, if it happens, could precipitate a new round of panic.

They acted with precipitate haste.

Japan's old guard worries that radical steps will precipitate an economic crisis, and so prefers the status quo.