
Ornithocheirus boasted a wingspan of 40 feet, equivalent to that of a small aeroplane.

The aircraft, known as HB-SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.

With a 13.8-metre wingspan and a 42kw electric motor, the E430 has a flying time of up to three hours.

One of the big advantages of their technology, Minesto executives say, is its small size — 12 meters for the wingspan and one meter for the turbine — relative to other tidal-energy designs.

Plastic bands, running from the harness to each arm, clip my wingspan.

The second variant is called "Wind Blade", and adds the extended wingspan and winglets you see above.

These massive seabirds use a wingspan topping 8 feet (2.5 meters) to glide gracefully, often for hundreds of miles, using thermal updrafts to gain altitude.

He didn't know why, for instance, but when he flew at altitudes less than half his wingspan above the water, he could stay in the air longer, with less effort.

It has a 150-foot wingspan, will cruise at approximately 150 knots and can carry up to a 450-pound payload.

The trick, according to Chiang, was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart.

Most impressive, though, was a pair of lappet-faced vultures, which have a wingspan of 10ft and are the largest birds in Oman.

THE Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle, 36 feet (11 metres) long with a 66-foot wingspan.

With its 56-inch wingspan, a mature female red-tailed hawk can weigh up to four pounds and dive for the kill at 120mph.


This is a very beautiful butterfly with a wingspan of three inches.