the others造句

3、I must consult the others.

6、Herr performance exceeded all the others.

9、The price is higher than the others on the market.

12、Jo told the others about her visit to the newspaperman.

15、Each passenger rushed toward the exit, unmindful of the others.

18、The man in the center, bigger than the others, was evidently the leader.

1、"Amen!" the others chorused.

5、He moved the gun onto the others.

10、"The fast runner set the pace, and the others followed."

14、Don't use toothpicks in the presence of the others.

19、Results the extraction efficiency of the novel method was 2 ~ 3 times higher than the others.

4、He lags the others in the race.

11、The signal from the largest tends to overwhelm the others.

17、One of the gang create a diversion In the street while the others rob the bank

7、Put others denigrated in the dust; And leave the others for your favor on marbles.

16、The mother and the second eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the others.

8、The fastest runner set the pace and the others followed.

the others造句

2、chorused the others firmly.

13、I keep toying with the idea of trying the others.

20、he beat all the others to the top of the tree,