
Alternatively, you might choose to embrace the scientific worldview and reject all these humanist values.

Majrouh, a humanist, found glory in these cries from the heart, which defy convention and in many ways mock male honor.

So, every philosopher or psychologist or humanist or neuroscientist who has ever thought about people has had to make some claim about the nature of language and how it works.


A serene balance of Zionist and humanist values infuses both state affairs and everyday life.

High finance not only funded high art, But its money and movement helped to fuel the humanist ideals that inspired the Renaissance.

The humanist stance of the anthropologist and the mission of UNESCO have found a new resonance.

It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded as merely cowardly. (Magaret Mead, USA humanist)?

The Dutch humanist Erasmus taught at the university; Mercator, the Flemish cartographer who projected the globe, learnt maths there.

But a humanist camp is less about indoctrination than reassurance that it is all right not to be religious; that it is possible to be moral without believing in the supernatural.

Now, in writing in these genres, Milton is, of course, confronted with a dilemma. He's a humanist scholar.