
When tendonitis occurs in a sheathed tendon, it is called tendosynovitis.

When I injured my knee while training for a marathon, I didn't expect myself to visualize my tendonitis away so that I could run.

Supraspinatus tendonitis, an overuse injury of the rotator cuff.

Iliopsoas tendonitis can arise from impingement with the leading anterior edge of a relatively under anteverted or retroverted cup.


Objective To study the clinical values of needling under ultrasonography guidance in calcified supraspinatus tendonitis.

Not to be confused with tennis or golfer's elbow (forms of tendonitis), this new diagnosis stems from the nerves that run through the elbow.

Conclusion Ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection is a practical and effective method for the treatment of stenosing tendonitis.

Frequent wearers of thongs can suffer foot pain from lack of arch support, tendonitis and sprain ankles from tripping, according to WebMD.