任务型阅读   玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编SimonGreenall先生,希望得...


任务型阅读   玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编SimonGreenall先生,希望得...


    玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编Simon Greenall先生,希望得到帮助。在你的帮助下,她写好了邮件。当她去问老师邮箱地址时,调皮的同桌大明把邮件内容的顺序打乱并删除了最后一句的部分文本。请你帮玲玲重新排序并完成最后一句。


1. _________2. ________3. _________4. _________

5. I hope________________________________________________________

Yours, Lingling

A. I'm very glad to write to you.  I'm a student from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China.  I know you're the writer of our English textbook.  I've got many problems in English learning.

B. Second, when I read English, I meet many new words.  So I can't understand the passages.

C. The above problems trouble me a lot.  What should I do?

D. First, in English class I can't follow my teacher because I'm not good at listening.


1. A  2. D  3.  B  4. C

5. I hope you can give me some advice on it soon. /...

