



A:Good morning.I'm ringing from the circulation department (发行部)of the Daily Mirror to say…

B: __1__

A: A newspaper ,dear lady.A famous newspaper.


A: Well ,mainly perhaps to have the fullest possible picture of what is going on in the world.

B: __3__

A: But TV isn't really enough, is it ? A newspaper is able to give so many more details(详情)than the TV news can.

B: __4__

A:With respect ,I think everybody ought to be interested in details these days.But anyway ,beside the side of the matter ,our newspaper offers many other things to interest its readers.Articles ,stories ,cinema programmes - to name just a few.

B: __5__

A: Nor do I, to tell you the truth.: The films these days aren't as good as they used to be, but ...Hello? Are you still there? Hello? Good heavens, she's hung up! What a very unpleasant woman.

  A.What's that?

  B.Who are you?

       C.I'm not interested in more details.

       D.Anyway, why should I want your newspaper?

       E.I get that perfectly from TV.

       F.I don't go to the cinema.

       G.I like watching TV.



