




1.     父母是我们的第一任老师,教会我们要在生活中明辨是非,在学习中不断进步。

2.     生活中父母是我们的好朋友,帮助我们建立家庭、成就事业,不图任何回报。

3.     由以上分析总结出父母的地位和应该受到的待遇。

4.     表达自己的观点和看法;孝敬父母,回报他们的养育之恩。

5.     这样做的好处:有助于建立*家庭,享受幸福家庭生活




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Parents should always be remembered for providing us not only with love and support when we were young but also with help and guide when we grew up and began to work..

Parents are always the best teachers in our study both at our lessons and in our life. They help us to tell good from bad and make greater progress in every field. In addition, they are our best friends in our daily life. They are willing to help us build up our own family and business without asking for anything in return.

Therefore, parents are the greatest people in the world. They should be loved and respected in every family. In my opinion, we should do whatever we can to support and take care of them, especially when they are too old to earn their living. Only in this way can we build more harmonious families and live happily together with our parents.

