




提示:好处 网购能帮助我们节省时间,我们只要把我们的信息发送给卖方(seller), 不久他们就会把东西送到我们的家,网购能帮助使我们的生活更加轻松。

      害处 有些卖家会通过欺骗我们来获取钱财,另外长时间上网购物对眼睛有害.

      建议 小心、安全地使用网络来购物

    Now it is popular for young people to do shopping on the Internet. It can help                                                                       







Now it is popular for young people to do shopping on the Internet. It can help make our life easier. If we want to buy something from the Internet, we can send our information to the seller and then the seller will send the things to us soon. It can help us save much time.

However, the Internet is not perfect because it may sometimes do harm to us. Some sellers may get money by cheating us. And it will be bad for our eyes if we spend much time doing shopping on the Internet. The Internet can change our lives for the better, but we had better use it carefully and safely.

